
Happy 25th Anniversary to CECI-Guatemala!

Today, CECI-Guatemala celebrates its 25th anniversary! Today marks 25 years of tireless work to support communities, especially young indigenous women, in more than 16 departments throughout the country.


Since 1992, CECI has been supporting its partners’ efforts to make meaningful changes. 1996 marked the signing of peace agreements and the end to 36 years of armed conflict within the country. Since that time, thanks to donor agencies such as GAC, MRIF, USAID, IDB, the World Bank, UNDP and the Netherlands, CECI has carried out development and humanitarian assistance projects in response to the numerous issues affecting this country, such as extreme poverty, inequality, food insecurity, violence, weak rule of law, human rights violations and vulnerability to natural disasters. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, volunteers and partners for being so passionate and committed to this cause and helping to change the lives of more than 200,000 Guatemalans. Congratulations and thank you for all these years of hard work!

We would like you to continue being agents of change and pursuing actions that help improve the conditions and the quality of life in Guatemala.

¡Muchas felicidades y que continúen los éxitos!

Follow the CECI-Guatemala Facebook page to see several videos about the work we have accomplished in the past 25 years.


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