
Feedback of the CECI's general assembly

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More than 120 people attended our Annual General Meeting on November 9. We were delighted to discuss with the entire CECI corporation about our actions for the year 2021-2022 and to share our ambitions and vision for the future.

This event allowed us to look back on our accomplishments. We discussed the next steps towards an international CECI network that will allow us to achieve greater North-South equality, in terms of governance, internal decision-making processes and diversity. We also highlighted the work of our teams in Africa, Latin America and Asia, as well as CECI's office in Canada, which have contributed, despite the pandemic, to achieving our objectives in terms of impact on local communities. 

This AGM also marks the end of Danielle Lamy's six-year involvement as outgoing chair of CECI's Board of Directors. We were fortunate to be able to count on the expertise of such an exceptional person for so long. We would also like to acknowledge the departure of Sister Jacqueline Villemure, a great contributor to CECI. 

Appointments of Ms. Marie-Claire Dumas, new president, and of Ms. Thiaba Camara Sy and Cécile Mukarubuga

We are delighted with the appointment of Ms. Marie-Claire Dumas as Chair of the Board of Directors, and the Board welcomes with great enthusiasm two new members, women with impressive backgrounds, Ms. Thiaba Camara Sy and Cécile Mukarubuga. The mandates of the following members are renewed: Ms. Isabelle Parizeau, Mr. Ghislain Rivard, Ms. Inès Chaâlala, Ms. Chloé Gaudet, Mr. Carl-Éric Guertin, Ms. Julie Médam and Ms. Sylvie- Marianne Rhugenda within the Board. 

We would like to congratulate and thank everyone!

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