
COP28: climate justice first and foremost


Fresh from COP28, our volunteer Noémie Lefrançois' priority was to demand climate justice that reflects the demands of our partners in the South.

Noémie took part in COP28 as part of AQOCI's youth delegation, amplifying the voices of those most vulnerable to climate change and asserting their right to reparation for the harm they have suffered. For her, this opportunity represented a concrete means of transcending the paradox between the nations of the North and South. Noémie did her utmost to convey the demands of Bolivian communities and advocate climate justice, emphasizing the need for equitable financing. Her aim was to ensure that countries in vulnerable situations could manage their natural resources sustainably and autonomously.

Noémie, who holds a master's degree in applied environmental policy, is passionate about the socio-ecological transition and climate policy. She has already made her debut as an activist by virtually participating in COP26 in Glasgow, where she learned the ins and outs of crucial international climate negotiations.

However, Noémie has not been content to learn from afar. She recently spent three months in Bolivia, working alongside the municipal government of La Paz as an environmental advisor with CECI. This experience immersed her in the climate concerns of local and indigenous communities, giving her a better understanding of the issues at the root of the climate crisis. She took part in the design of a matrix for assessing the socio-economic and environmental impacts of tourist routes, and made a number of recommendations along these lines. She also had the opportunity to make a presentation at a municipal forum on sustainable and innovative tourism and regenerative tourism.

"Working in the Tourism Unit in La Paz, I was nevertheless hoping that my presence could have a positive influence on the adoption of environmentally-friendly practices in this field. Not only did I share with them my vision of ecological transition throughout my mandate, but we also co-created a matrix for assessing the socio-economic and environmental impacts of tourism routes. I also had the chance to make a presentation, at a Municipal Forum on Sustainable and Innovative Tourism, on regenerative tourism." -Noémie

In addition to her work with the municipal government of La Paz, Noémie has contributed to the reflection and research of promising avenues in carbon offsetting for CECI.

Her commitment to the fight against climate change, combined with her extensive experience in environmental and climate policy at municipal level, makes her a powerful voice for climate justice at COP28. She carries with her the hopes and aspirations of those who cannot attend, and reminds the governments of the North of their responsibility to redress the injustices created by our model of over-consumption.

Noémie's participation in COP28 was an inspiring example of individual commitment to the climate and to communities directly impacted by the current crisis. We followed her journey with interest and hope.

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