Press release

Press Release


CECI Celebrates the 40th Edition of the Festival with Vues d'Afrique and the Acting for Equality Award

Montreal, March 7, 2024 - This year, CECI celebrates the 40th anniversary of the International Film Festival with Vues d'Afrique. For the fourth consecutive year, CECI is an official partner of the program, notably within the framework of the special Acting for Equality award. This category aims to encourage films illustrating initiatives led by individuals who fight daily for gender equality and poverty reduction worldwide.

Furthermore, CECI works with partner organizations in Africa and Haiti to increase women's leadership and economic power and to promote adaptation to climate change. Over the years, CECI has supported the creation or growth of over 1000 Very Small Enterprises (VSEs), often collective, and 350 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in which more than 1.5 million women play active leadership roles. For those who wish to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities, CECI offers the opportunity to use your talents and expertise to serve our partners in Africa through short or long-term voluntary cooperation mandates or remote mandates in our programming countries.

Among the hundreds of films presented at this 40th edition, about a dozen works are featured in the Acting for Equality category. This award is presented by CECI to one of the best films in the targeted category and will be presented during the festival's closing ceremony on April 21.

As part of our partnership, CECI is organizing two events during the festival. On April 15, two environmental advisors specializing in climate change will host a panel discussion on Earth Day, highlighting the key role of women in climate change resilience. On April 17, there will be a discussion on diversity and inclusion, focusing specifically on the theme of disability in cinema. Representatives from CECI will share their experiences on the issue of inclusion of people living with disabilities and the stereotypes to avoid. You are all cordially invited to these moments of exchange from the perspective of international solidarity.

This partnership is carried out within the framework of CECI's Voluntary Cooperation Program funded by the Government of Canada. If you wish to learn more about international cooperation, visit

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About CECI

CECI is an international cooperation organization that fights poverty and exclusion through sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Since 1958, CECI has contributed to improving the living conditions of over 30 million people in around forty countries. 


Ollé Doli
Communication and Public Relations Advisor

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