
Committed to Solidarity






You are invited to the event Committed to Solidarity on Monday, December 5th, 2022 to contribute to the dialogue on the impact of international volunteering.

As we celebrate International Volunteer Day with Canadians around the world, we invite you to join us on December 5th to contribute to the dialogue on solidarity through volunteering

This virtual event on December 5th draws attention to important issues that affect the most vulnerable. The group 13 organizations representing the Volunteer Cooperation Program funded by Global Affairs Canada will come together to share reflections from the lens of volunteers and local partners in countries where we work. 

During the panel we will:  

- Raise awareness of the importance of international solidarity. 

- Highlight the unique and personal reflections of volunteers and local partners.

- Celebrate the volunteer cooperation program 

We invite you to participate in our panel discussion as well as our 15-minute Q&A session and look forward to engaging with you in this collective event.


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