
Combatting violence against women is #CECIforGenderEquality


2:00 pm

In 2021, CECI and Vues d’Afrique are teaming up to invite you to a series of online discussions covering various issues of gender equality in Africa and the Caribbean. A well-known person from the world of African cinema will speak with international development actors involved with CECI in various countries. Come discover the inspiring stories and testimonials of these people who work every day for a more just, egalitarian world that is free of discrimination!

One in three women are victims of sexual violence in their lifetime, according to UN Women. Join the discussion on this important topic, which is still a major roadblock to women’s ability to develop to their full potential and to the achievement of gender equality. We’ll be talking with activist and director Maude Salomé Ekila and two women involved with CECI: Maïmouna Dioncounda Dembélé, Director of CECI-Mali, and Dracuse Joseph, who heads the Women’s Voice and Leadership project in Haiti. 

Mark your calendars! 

Dates of upcoming discussions: February 10 and March 3 and 24!

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