
Climate change and food sovereignty


4 octobre 2023


1:30 to 5:30 p.m.


Esplanade Tranquille

Montreal's Esplanade Tranquille

Action by communities in developing countries and their Quebec partners to promote sustainable food systems.

On October 4, CECI, SOCODEVI, SUCO, SIE and AQOCI are organizing an event on climate change and food sovereignty, in parallel with the major Adaptation Futures conference.

We'll be delighted to welcome partners from the South (Senegal, Bolivia and Burkina Faso), who will be sharing their expertise in sustainable food systems with us. We will also learn more about an initiative that contributes to the sustainability of Quebec's food system: greenhouse farming.


  • Abou Ba, Regional Environmental Advisor, SOCODEVI, Senegal
  • Patricia Patiño Capriolo, General Manager, APCOB (CECI partner), Bolivia
  • Abdoulaye Ouedrago, General Coordinator, NGO APIL (partner SUCO), Burkina Faso

How to get involved?

This free event will take place in the L'arrière scène room at Esplanade Tranquille in Montreal, from 1:30pm to 5:30pm.

Visit to an agricultural power plant

The following day, October 5, an afternoon visit to an agricultural power plant contributing to the viability of the Quebec food system is scheduled.  More details to come.


This event is part of CECI's Volunteer Cooperation Program, funded by the Government of Canada.

Action by communities in developing countries and their Quebec partners to promote sustainable food systems.

On October 4, CECI, SOCODEVI, SUCO, SIE and AQOCI are organizing an event on climate change and food sovereignty, in parallel with the major Adaptation Futures conference.

We'll be delighted to welcome partners from the South (Senegal, Bolivia and Burkina Faso), who will be sharing their expertise in sustainable food systems with us. We will also learn more about an initiative that contributes to the sustainability of Quebec's food system: greenhouse farming.


  • Abou Ba, Regional Environmental Advisor, SOCODEVI, Senegal
  • Patricia Patiño Capriolo, General Manager, APCOB (CECI partner), Bolivia
  • Abdoulaye Ouedrago, General Coordinator, NGO APIL (partner SUCO), Burkina Faso

How to get involved?

This free event will take place in the L'arrière scène room at Esplanade Tranquille in Montreal, from 1:30pm to 5:30pm.

Visit to an agricultural power plant

The following day, October 5, an afternoon visit to an agricultural power plant contributing to the viability of the Quebec food system is scheduled.  More details to come.


This event is part of CECI's Volunteer Cooperation Program, funded by the Government of Canada.

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