
CECI's international teams reunite in Montreal!

BeninBoliviaCanadaGuatemalaGuineaHaitiNepalRwandaSenegalBurkina FasoMaliNiger

In October, CECI's international teams met in Montreal for a week of strategic reflection and to celebrate CECI's 65th anniversary. These meetings brought together representatives from the 10 countries where CECI is present.

Our colleagues from Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Mali, Nepal, Senegal and Rwanda came together to achieve several ambitious goals.

During this week, the teams discussed various strategic orientations based on everyone's diverse experiences, in order to arrive at a unified vision of international development and CECI's contribution to the current international context. They took part in conferences, shared their experiences, and planned sustainable actions putting women's leadership first.

These collaborative meetings have strengthened the collective commitment to sustainable development objectives and gender equality, and reinforced the sense of belonging between teams.

It is gratifying to see how dedicated and determined our team is to advancing the role of women in international development. These meetings played a crucial role in the smooth running of our operations, and were enriching, edifying and mobilizing for all our teams.

Our teams leave with a wealth of ideas and inspiration.

 Visit from partner APCOB

We were also pleased to welcome a 3-person delegation from Bolivia, representing our Voluntary Cooperation Program partner organization Apoyo para el Campesino - Indígena Boliviano (APCOB).Patricia Patiño, Nancy Paine and Silvia Pasabare were able to present initiatives and results achieved in two main areas of the VCP: women's economic empowerment and adaptation to climate change from the point of view of indigenous communities. APCOB, with the support of PCV volunteers, supports 14 Chiquitanas women's associations in the processing, financial management and marketing of non-timber products, such as Cusi and Copaibo oils, honey from native bees affected by forest fires, and medicinal creams and ointments.

The voluntary cooperation program is implemented by CECI, in partnership with the Canadian government.

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