CECI Nepal's Annual Report 2016- 2017

I am delighted to share with you CECI Nepal’s Annual Progress Report for the Fiscal Year of 2073-74 B.S. (2016 -2017). This report provides you with a comprehensive understanding of our development projects and programs that covered 27 districts by reaching 101,050 direct and about 266,000 indirect beneficiaries in this reporting

During this period, CECI has successfully accomplished one project; Multi-Donor Trust Fund/Program for Accountability in Nepal (MDTF/PRAN2),funded by World Bank; and launched two new projects: Sustainable Use of Technology for Public Service Accountable in Nepal (SUSASAN) and Livelihood Promotion of Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal (PUNARNIRMAN). SUSASAN promotes local governance through constructive dialogue between government institutions and citizens leveraging the technology where as PUNARNIRMAN aims at supporting earthquake affected population in three districts with the providing support of livelihood promotion,
skills and enterprise development. Our consulting services to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Nepal government funded Skills Development Project (SDP) is on-going.

CECI also managed 50 volunteers from two volunteer cooperation programs: UNITERRA and Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID). UNITERRA is funded by GAC and is jointly implemented by WUSC and CECI. AVID is an Australian Government program managed by Scope Global through CECI in Nepal. Volunteers serve in various government and non-government organizations within the country.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our donors and implementing partners both GON and NGOs. I deeply appreciate the contributions made by the stakeholders to make our efforts successful. I look forward to continuing cooperation, coordination, and collaboration in the upcoming days. I extend my sincere thanks to CECI staff and volunteers for their kind cooperation and contribution in implementing the projects and running the organization.

At last, I would like to thank Ms. Mallika Bhattarai, Communications Officer for designing and producing this report. 

Keshava Koirala (Country Representative)

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