CECI-Nepal 2017-2018 Annual Report

Message from the Country Representative

Dear friends,
It is our pleasure presenting to you CECI Nepal’s Annual Progress Report for the Fiscal Year of 2074-75 B.S. (2017-2018). This report will provide a comprehensive understanding of CECI Nepal’s projects and highlights of notable achievements/impacts we have made in the development sectors. Like in previous years, our ambition for this year was to contribute to achieving the SDGs and the country’s overall development efforts. During this period, we undertook three development projects and two volunteer programs which were focused on governance, livelihood improvement, economic and institutional development, vocational education, and gender and social inclusion. This year CECI’s projects covered 18 districts and reached 55,000 direct and about 264,000 indirect beneficiaries. (...)

(...) We would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all our donors and project implementing partners, both the Government of Nepal (GON) and NGOs. I deeply appreciate the contributions made by the stakeholders to make our efforts successful. I look forward to continued cooperation, coordination, and collaboration in the upcoming days too. I extend my sincere thanks to CECI’s dedicated staff and volunteers for their tireless efforts and contributions in implementing various projects and programs. Last but not the least, sincere appreciation goes to Ms. Mallika Bhattarai, Communications Officer for designing and producing this report.

Keshava Koirala Country Representative, CECI Nepal

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