
CECI Guatemala celebrates its 30th anniversary!


In 2022, CECI Guatemala celebrated 30 years of commitment to the Guatemalan people. The organization is currently making its mark through large-scale projects aimed at empowering the country's indigenous women. Over the years, CECI Guatemala, with the help of its many partners, has carried out more than 50 development projects that have helped change the lives of more than one million Guatemalans.

In addition, tens of thousands of people have received humanitarian aid from the organization following the crises that have affected the country. Indeed, CECI Guatemala has been committed to responding to the urgent needs of the population following hurricanes Mitch, Stan, and Agatha, the eruption of the Fuego volcano, and, more recently, the effects of the global pandemic COVID 19.

CECI Guatemala's many accomplishments were highlighted on December 7 at an intimate event at the Nueva Fabrica, bringing together all the people who have contributed to the organization's success since 1992. It was with great joy and emotion that those present gathered. Everyone took the floor to share their experience with the organization. The current director Silvia Cotton opened the ball. In her speech, she shared the importance of the work done to achieve the mission of the organization, which is to contribute to the maintenance of peace, democracy, and poverty reduction. She also highlighted the awarding of the prestigious Rosario Demers 2022 prize to volunteer Juan Saloj, who works on climate resistance with Mayan communities in the Sololá region. The many testimonies that followed showed how CECI Guatemala has created a strong and dynamic community. A community that has been working for 30 years to bring about a more just and equitable Guatemalan society and that will continue its commitment for years to come.

Happy anniversary to the entire team!

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