
CECI at Women Deliver 2019

From June 3 to 6, 2019, CECI proudly participated in the international Women Deliver Conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. More than 8,000 people dedicated to the gender equality movement gathered in Vancouver to discuss power and its ability to generate - or hinder - progress and change towards a more inclusive and egalitarian world.

During the conference, the Government of Canada made historic and innovative investments to support women’s rights organizations and movements and to advance gender equality in Canada and globally, solidifying Canada’s leadership on women’s rights and gender equality.

The Honorable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister of Women and Gender Equality, announced the Government of Canada’s intention to work with the Equality Fund to establish an innovative global platform to mobilize unprecedented levels of resources for women’s rights organizations and movements in developing countries. This partnership will be established with a $300-million commitment from the government.

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, also affirmed Canada’s position as a world leader in promoting the health and rights of women, adolescents and children with a raise its funding to $1.4 billion annually, and over ten years, to support women and girls’ health around the world.

For CECI's partners in Africa, Asia and the Americas, these investments represent an opportunity for the stability and the sustainability of projects promoting the empowerment of women and youth.

We commend all organizations working to making this possible, including WUSC (World University Service of Canada), that will be helping structure the mechanisms and modalities of the Equality Fund!


Making the most of their presence at the Women Deliver Conference, the Canadian Council for International Cooperation produced a series of interviews. Click here to discover these relevant and inspiring exchanges.

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