
CECI at the heart of the fight against climate change

On September 27, over 7 million people around the world joined the climate strike. In Montréal, over 500 000 people poured into the streets and marched alongside Swedish youth activist Greta Thunberg to demand meaningful and effective action to respond to the climate crisis, on an individual and collective level as well as at all levels of government. CECI’s teams, members and supporters all took part in this historic mobilization, in Canada
and in Africa. Click here to see a photo album of the march.

On the same day, United Nations Climate Change presented the Global Climate Action Award to Québec’s International Climate Cooperation Program. CECI would like to congratulate the Government of Québec for winning this prize, which highlights innovative initiatives to bring about real change. This program and 14 other projects were selected from among 670 initiatives around the world for showing a way forward, and offering models that can be used all over the planet for a more resilient, sustainable and prosperous future for all of us. CECI is very proud to be implementing two of the 23 projects funded by Québec’s International Climate Cooperation Program and to be contributing to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change in Haiti and Burkina Faso. 

In northern and north-eastern Haiti, the KLIMA Project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating sustainable energy forests, and by implementing an organic waste recycling system through composting to reduce methane emissions (a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential 21 times greater than that of CO2) from organic waste deposits. It also includes an awareness and training component for the concerned populations.


In Burkina Faso, the Résilience-Karité project is improving the resilience and sustainable management of shea tree parks, while strengthening the leadership of women and their organizations. The project has put in place concrete measures, including the use of scientific data and local knowledge to protect shea trees, the popularization of sustainable forest resource management practices and the promotion of innovative alternatives to wood fuel. 

In addition to these projects, CECI is also working on waste management and the restoration of degraded ecosystems while raising awareness among the general population and local players about issues related to climate change.

If you have your own solutions on how to fight climate change, please join us to talk about them at the International Forum 2020! This is an opportunity for you to share the lessons learned from your own experiences, find inspiration in the ideas of others and discover new
and practical tools that you can put to work in your own community. Together, we can find innovative solutions for the future that will leave no one behind!

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