
Acting for the future of girls in Burkina Faso: the PARITÉ project's response to the security crisis

Burkina Faso

The security crisis in Burkina Faso has had a significant impact on girls, gender and education. A study carried out by the Projet d'Appui aux Réformes Institutionnelles et Techniques pour l'équité en Éducation (PARITÉ) highlighted the challenges faced by girls, particularly internally displaced girls (IDGs), who are confronted with several types of violence, including economic violence. This reality translates into many girls dropping out of school, forced to work as domestic servants to support their families.

Economic violence affecting girls:

According to the study report, financial insecurity leads some parents to make the difficult decision to take their daughters out of school and place them in domestic jobs. This phenomenon, identified as a major risk, was reported by 66.7% of respondents in Gourma province, 94.7% in Bam province, and 71.9% in Sanmatenga.

The impact of the quest for income on education:

The research also highlights the fact that the quest for income is the main reason why adolescent girls leave for gold-mining sites, jeopardizing their educational path. These situations exacerbate the challenges faced by these young girls, requiring a proactive response to counter these trends.

The PARITÉ project initiative to counter economic violence and promote inclusion:

Faced with these challenges, the PARITÉ project has taken the initiative to support community players in Tikaré and Korsimoro. The aim is to develop and implement action plans to counter gender-based violence (GBV), including financial violence, while promoting inclusion.

Concrete action plans:

The action plans developed include awareness-raising activities aimed at parents. They are informed of students' rights, and are made aware of the prohibition on placing their school daughters as domestic workers or waitresses in drinking establishments and restaurants. These measures are designed to protect girls from the risks associated with economic violence.

Raising awareness in schools and establishments:

In addition, awareness-raising messages have been developed in collaboration with the PARITÉ project and disseminated in schools and establishments in both communes. These messages highlight the dangers associated with the use of gold-mining sites by schoolchildren, underlining the harmful consequences of adolescent girls working under these conditions.

The PARITÉ project's commitment to women and girls' rights is demonstrated in concrete ways through these actions. By countering economic violence and promoting inclusion, the project is helping to create a brighter future for girls in Burkina Faso, enabling them to continue their education.

Find out more about the project

The Support for Institutional and Technical Reforms for Equity in Education (PARITÉ) project is funded by Canadian International Development - Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Alinea International and CECI.

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