
A double impact purchase, thanks to a new partnership between CECI and SO Original!

CECI and SO Original are pleased to announce that starting in June 2019, for every item sold at the SO Original boutique-gallery located in Montreal’s Rockland Centre, one dollar will be donated to CECI, contributing to support sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia and the Americas.

“I am particularly proud to support the mission of CECI, an organization whose values of cooperation, respect, fairness and commitment meet those of SO Original,” said Marie-Claude Coulombe, founder of the boutique. Since its inception in 2014, SO Original has committed to supporting over a hundred talented craftspeople, for the long term and in a spirit of equality, helping them make a living from their art. The vast majority of these artisans are women. CECI was therefore a natural match for the founder, a globetrotter passionate about ethical fashion, who chose to contribute to CECI’s #CECIforGenderEquality campaign in support of projects promoting gender equality around the world. Each purchase will have a double impact, concretely contributing to building a dynamic local economy and helping to eliminate inequalities in the world at the same time!

“We are very pleased to have SO Original’s support on our mission to combat poverty and exclusion,” declared Claudia Black, Executive Director of CECI. “Not to mention that the engagement of Marie-Claude Coulombe does not stop there, as she is also joining the ranks of CECI’s Club des ambassadrices!” Since 2014, bringing together influential Quebec women, CECI’s Club des ambassadrices has been promoting initiatives fostering women’s entrepreneurship around the world through philanthropic and outreach activities. 

This new collaboration will make a real difference in the lives of thousands of artisans, women, their families and their communities!


About SO Original: Founded in 2014, SO Original is a boutique-gallery and a distribution network that offers Canadians ethical accessories, products and handmade designer objects from Quebec, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. The boutique is located in the Rockland Centre, 3rd floor, Entrance 8 Topaz.

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