
6 à 8 de la coopération




6839 St-Hubert Street, Montreal, QC H2S 2M7

In a relaxed atmosphere, come and discuss volunteering opportunities in international cooperation. In the 5 to 7 style formula, you will meet people working in different organizations of the volunteer cooperation program, as well as other people interested in international cooperation like yourself.

From 6:00 p.m., several appetizers will be offered to participants. It will also be possible to order a drink at your expense.

This activity is carried out under the Voluntary Cooperation Program funded by the Government of Canada


In collaboration with :
Crossroads International - Carrefour International
Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada)
Cuso International
Programme CLÉ
Bureau international des droits des enfants (IBCR)
Oxfam Québec
UPA Développement international
Veterinarians without Borders
World University Service of Canada (WUSC) / Entraide universitaire mondiale du Canada (EUMC )
Youth Challenge International (YCI)

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