Day 4: Sleepinnnngggg!

Publish by : Marilyne Tremblay
Okay, at some point, you just need to sleep! Day 4 has been amazing as I discovered a new district (Lalitpur), where I saw colorful houses and a stunning view of the Kathmandu valley. That being said, I arrived home at 5pm - after one hour in a traffic (in winter, the Nepali schedule is 10am-4pm, which I might be tempted to bring back to Canada!) and I was glad to have some delicious pakodas in the fridge and then, hip hop, it’s baked, I eat and I go to bed. I went literally to bed at 6:30pm…Yes, travelling and adjusting is exhausting. At least I haven’t been sick. So, I promised you some details about my mandate, but I am too sleepy, it will have to wait for Day 5. I’ll try to make it worth the wait :)

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