
World Humanitarian Day

On this World Humanitarian Day, we stand together with the world humanitarians to remember those who lost their lives in humanitarian action and we get inspiration from their commitment and dedication to change the lives of the people who suffer from humanitarian crisis.

At CECI, we are always inspired by the hard work and dedication of teams at CECI and that at our partner NGOs who work tirelessly to bring the relief and recovery materials and empower the communities to reduce their vulnerability.  At the end of the day, what inspires us is the positive change we are able to bring in the lives of the people who suffer from terrible crisis, be it sudden disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods as well as prolonged droughts that create chronic food insecurity situation and health crisis warranting humanitarian action.

In 2014-15, CECI helped 116,145 people directly and 551,563 people indirectly through humanitarian action in response to food insecurity in Senegal and Mali, Ebola in Guinea, and Typhoon Haiyan and Hagupit in The Philippines. Nothing inspires us more than when we hear from the people what the support means to them and how it helped changed their lives; three meals a day, preventing malnutrition among children, emergency and temporary shelter which made women feel more secure, livelihoods for women which ensured their dignity in the family and the community, awareness and sensitization that helped prevent spread of Ebola.

In 2015-16, we continue to help the people still affected by food insecurity in Senegal and Mali, continue to sensitize the people to prevent the spread of Ebola in Guinea, help the people recover from the earthquake in Nepal, and strengthen the livelihoods of the people affected by typhoon in The Philippines.

All this work and support to people affected by humanitarian crises is possible thanks to the work of experienced CECI teams as well as local partners worldwide. We also take this opportunity to thank our generous donors without whose support our humanitarian work would not be possible and have such a reach.

On this World Humanitarian Day, we express our thanks and gratitude for support to the affected people to help them recover from the crisis and lead a normal and better life again. 

CECI's Humanitarian Aid Unit

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