
Promoting the Empowerment of Women Through Education is #CECIforGenderEquality


2:00 pm

CECI and Vues d’Afrique are teaming up and inviting you to participate in a series of online talks addressing various issues related to gender equality in Africa and the Caribbean. A leading figure from the world of African cinema will hold conversations with different individuals engaged in international development with CECI in various countries. Discover the inspiring stories and testimonies of these people working on a daily basis to build a fairer, more egalitarian world free from discrimination!

Education is a means of escaping poverty and accessing decent employment. Over the past decade, major strides have been made to improve access to education and increase enrollment rates at all levels, especially for girls. However, according to forecasts by the UNESCO, more than 11 million girls may not be able to return to school once the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. Efforts to support their right to education and to enable them to access emancipation and empowerment are thus more important than ever. Join in on this discussion with Nicole Nyangolo, coordinator of the Girls’ Education Project for a Better Future in the African Great Lakes region and Coline Camier, specialist in gender equality at CECI.

Join us on March 24 at 2 p.m. EST on the Vues d’Afrique Facebook page! 

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Nicole Nyangolo


Nicole Nyangolo is from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holding a bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences and a postgraduate diploma in human rights, she started engaging in activities to promote gender equality with the OLAME centre in the region of Sud Kivu. These activities sought to implement and strengthen interfaith committees of women leaders of the Archdiocese of Bukavu working on issues of female leadership, women’s human and civil rights, and the integration of gender in the management of drinking water projects and in the management of household income. She currently holds the position of regional coordinator of the Girls’ Education Project for a Better Future in the African Great Lakes region (EDUFAM) project within the Concertation of Collectives of Women’s Associations in the Great Lakes (COCAFEM/GL), a partner of CECI headquartered in Bujumbura.

Coline Camier


Coline Camier is a program officer and gender equality specialist at CECI. A citizen of the world, she is of French origin, grew up in Burkina Faso and has now been living in Canada for over 15 years. Her life experiences have taken her to several countries, including Tunisia, Nepal, Haiti, China and Senegal. A sociologist by training, she also holds a diploma in project management and a master’s degree in international studies. She has also worked defending the rights of immigrant and/or racialized women in Montreal. She remains active in the feminist sector as treasurer for Maisons de l’Ancre, which offers accommodation services for women living through great challenges.  

Do you also wish to participate in the construction of a world without discrimination that is fairer and more egalitarian? Discover different ways to express your values on the website: https://ceciforgenderequality.ca/en

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