
Member of the jury for the films in the "Taking actions for equality" category

Our collaboration with Vues d’Afrique International Film Festival, has led us to create a new category within the festival’s official program, entitled “Taking Action for Equality”. The category will feature films portraying initiatives led by women and men who fight day after day for a more egalitarian world, one of the core themes of CECI’s work. All films will be available for free on the platform, from April 9 to 18, 2021

CECI will be awarding a prize to one of these films during the festival’s closing ceremony, to be held on April 18.The winning film will then be distributed among CECI’s network, in Quebec and internationally, in order to fuel further exchanges and discussions about the film and issues of gender equality.

We would like to thank the members of the jury for the selection of the films in the “Taking Action for Equality” category, including members of the board of directors, members of the corporation, ambassadors, volunteers, employees and donors of CECI.

Bruno Lavoie
CECI Board Member
Economic Development Coordinator for the Marguerite-D’Youville RCM.

“I love Africa! I fell in love with this continent for the first time in October 2011, as I got off the plane in Bamako to engage in economic development work in Mali, in Burkina and later in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Chantal Bernatchez
Ambassador and individual member of CECI.
Former CECI volunteer in Burkina Faso.
Engineer at Hydro-Québec, President and Founder of the Vergers d’Afrique nonprofit organization, and Vice-President and Founder of Iso-Protek, a circular economy company.

“I believe in the power of films to transmit knowledge, understand cultures and open up to the world’s diversity by harnessing the creative potential of filmmakers.”

Denise Tremblay
CECI Volunteer in Senegal.
Communications Advisor.

“I arrived in Senegal in October 2019 for a first assignment, where I got to stand alongside proud, hard-working and courageous women and young women in rural areas. I saw them work hard to become farmers. It was an unforgettable experience that helped me better understand the reasons why NGOs exist. After living it, I didn’t want to leave, longing to be a part of those who CHANGE LIVES.”

Dialikatou Barry
CECI Volunteer in Senegal.
Female Entrepreneurship Advisor.

“Committed to participating in everything related to the promotion of gender equality, I will call upon my network to promote the films.”

Fatoumata Touré
CECI Board Member

Senior Advisor in Credit Risk Modelling at the National Bank of Canada.

“I became aware of gender equality issues very early on, as from an early age I was introduced to my condition as a woman in a still very patriarchal society that is Mali. I was lucky to have parents, especially a father, who taught me that the only areas that were not available to me were those that I did not WANT to invest in: I am the keystone of this world’s every possibility!”

Frédérique Saint-Julien Desrochers
CECI Ambassador and former CECI volunteer in Burkina Faso.

“Participating in the construction of a world that is fairer, more egalitarian and without discrimination, by promoting the program of the Taking Action for Equality category of the 37th Festival Vues d’Afrique, now that’s working with CECI For Gender Equality!”

Honoré Gbedan
CECI Volunteer in Benin.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor at the Réseau Ouest Africain des Jeunes Femmes Leaders.

“I had the opportunity to go on site to discover the problems and issues relating to gender equality and injustice.”

Jennifer Carla Cadet
Monthly Donor
Volunteer at CECI’s events.

Louise Otis
Individual Member of CECI

Lawyer, arbitrator and mediator.

Manuel Ribeiro
Associate Member of CECI
President of the board of directors of CCLÀQ.

Marie-Claire Dumas
CECI Board Member
Executive Director of Concertation Montréal.

“In my personal life as well as in my professional career, I seek to cultivate a taste for diversity and for the discovery of the widest possible range of talents. I am also a deeply committed feminist, always having the promotion of women and gender equality at heart.”

Marie-Claude Coulombe
CECI Ambassador

Founder and owner of SÔ ORIGINAL.

“In the quest for gender equality, this is a great project in which to participate and contribute to the personal and social development of the other.”

Mamadou Diarra
CECI employee in Mali

Advisor in Organizational Strengthening and Development, Women’s Voice and Leadership Project – Mali.

“There is absolutely no doubt that gender equality benefits everyone. Committed for the respect of all human beings, my participation in this jury is consistent with my desire to contribute in the fight for the respect of human rights.”

Nathalie Roy
CECI employee in Canada

Project manager and specialist in issues relating to gender equality, diversity and the economic empowerment of women and youth.

Sandra Pilar Sanchez
Individual member of CECI

Founder of VToujours, economist and entrepreneur working to develop and implement innovative solutions to eradicate poverty.

“My engagement will raise awareness and provide information on issues related to inequality, as well as on the importance of building resilience within communities.”

Souleymane Bah
CECI Volunteer in Senegal

Advisor for the inclusion and engagement of women and youth in agriculture

​“ We all know that women and girls are disproportionately affected by the crisis, for which it is essential to focus the economic recovery around cultural issues such as the ones portrayed in these films. The issue of gender inequalities being so close to my heart, this is a great opportunity for me to put
my experience in this field to good use.”

Suzanne Ouellet
CECI employee in Canada

Training and Skills Development Coordinator at CECI.

“Watching the films in the Taking Action for Equality category of the Vues d’Afrique Festival, I will be looking in the first place for the pleasure of getting carried away by a touching story; but I will also be looking for this drive for action, this

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