
Inscribase ya al Foro internacional 2018 del CECI y SUMC (en inglés)

Registration is now open for the 2018 WUSC and CECI International Forum

Deepening inequalities, forced displacement, climate change, and extremism are global challenges. They demand global solutions. Yet intensifying nationalism, xenophobia, and distrust of international cooperation are threatening our ability to collaborate across borders.

How can we ensure we meet the scale of these complex challenges? How can we better balance local aspirations with universal goals? What role must Canada and Canadians play?

Don’t miss our biggest event of the year! Register now and engage with a diverse set of experts on some of today’s pressing global issues and promising solutions. By generating fresh new perspectives and exploring innovative ideas, you can enhance your contribution and renew your commitment to a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Register now to take part in one of Canada’s most engaging conferences on global development. Be sure to register before November 15, 2017 to take advantage of our early bird pricing!

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