
El Programa Uniterra contribuye al desarrollo de una Política de Género para el sector cafetero en Guatemala (en inglés)

In Guatemala, every department has coffee plantations that provide income to some 125,000 coffee producer households, and generates over half a million jobs a year. Since 2018, the National Coffee Association (ANACAFÉ), who provides services to the coffee culture sector, has been supported by the Uniterra Program in the creation of a Policy to promote Equality between Women and Men in the coffee industry. The policy revolves around three axis:

  1. raising awareness, training and developing affirmative actions that promote the equality between women and men in the Guatemalan coffee culture;
  2. enhancing the technical and business capacities of women and men working in the coffee value chain;
  3. and building the economic, social and environmental sustainability with a gender approach in the Guatemalan coffee culture.

An implementation plan is currently in the making to ensure that the Policy is applied. 

In Guatemala’ coffee sector, the Gender Policy is a major achievement since it will be applied throughout the country by all the value chain actors in the coffee subsector. The Association is privately held and one of the biggest and most powerful one in the country. One thousand printed copies of the policy have been delivered to the Association for dissemination.  Continuous support to the National Coffee Association is given by the Uniterra Program in the revision of tools to collect data that will guide a National Women and Youth in Coffee policy next year. This policy will have a national
impact in the way women and youth are being treated, recognized, and valued in the coffee industry.

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