Rapport annuel 2015-2016 du CECI Népal (en anglais)

It is our immense pleasure to present the Annual Progress Report for the Fiscal Year 2072-73 (2015-2016 AD). This year brought many challenges as well as opportunities. The normal functioning was affected due to the earthquake of April 2015 and CECI Nepal got involved in earthquake response program for the first few months of the earthquake before returning to give continuity to other ongoing projects. This year CECI implemented six development projects covering 25 districts. The projects focused on governance, earthquake emergency response and early recovery, livelihoods improvement, economic development and institutional development of partner NGOs. 

Two projects were successfully accomplished this year: “Earthquake Response Program” and the “Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS)”. A total of 11,500 households in three districts Sindhupalchowk, Kavrepalanchowk and Lalitpur benefitted from the earthquake response and recovery program. Likewise, PETS was started in June 2015 for a period of 10 months in 58 VDCs of six districts (Banke, Bardia, Dang, Surkhet, Kailali and Kanchanpur) of Nepal. The project was implemented in a consortium led by CECI in association with Policy Research and Development (PRAD) Nepal and the purpose was to track the expenditure of block grants at the District Development Committee (DDC) and Village Development Committee (VDC) levels as well as the Constituent Assembly (CA) development fund flow from its point of origin to expenditure. 

The on-going projects of CECI are Multi-Donor Trust Fund/Program for Accountability in Nepal (MDTF/PRAN2), Consulting services to the Skills Development Project and two volunteer programs Uniterra and AVID. The details on activities and results of each of these projects can be found in the respective sections below.

I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to our donors and to our implementing partners, both Government and Non-Government Organizations for their support in successfully accomplishing the programs. I would also like to thank CECI staff and volunteers for their kind cooperation and contribution in implementing the projects and in the running of the organization.

Finally, I would like to thank our Communications Officer Ms. Mallika Bhattarai for her efforts to bring out this annual report.

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