Infolettre du CECI Népal, Septembre - Décembre 2017 (en anglais)

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to present you the latest edition of CECI Nepal’s newsletter “REFLEC T ”. In this edition, you will get a glimpse of our major activities carried out between September and December, 2017.

As always, the end of the year brought forth many opportunities, challenges and achievements. CECI was selected as a Resource Organization to provide technical support in a project “Progress” funded by UN Women. The project is jointly managed by Didi Bahini and the Institute for Conflict Peace and Development (ICPD) and aims to advance the leadership of locally elected women, Dalits and marginalized community representatives in Nepal. We continued our regular field level activities; celebrated International Volunteers’ Day; managed volunteer cooperation programs; welcomed new Australian and Canadian volunteers; and bid fade farewell to those who successfully completed their terms in Nepal.

We are looking for ward to the year ahead as we build on our commitment to capacity building, agriculture and livelihoods, disaster risk reduction (DRR), governance and gender equality and social inclusion. 

I would like to thank all our par tners, including government agencies, donors and civil society organizations for their continued suppor t and invaluable work in 2017.

I would also like to offer sincere thanks to the CECI Nepal staff and volunteers for their suppor t in preparing this newsletter. Finally, I would like to thank Ms. Mallika Bhattarai, Communication Officer for her hard work in bringing out this newsletter.

Enjoy reading this newsletter!

Keshava Koirala, Country Representative

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