Infolettre du CECI Népal - Mai à août 2018 (en anglais)

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the CECI Nepal Newsletter ‘REFLECT’. I am very much delighted to present this edition of REFELCT to you all. As you go through the newsletter, I believe you will gain insights about our project activities. I do hope, as in the past quarters, you will accept this effort of ours to connect with you. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Keshava Koirala, the former Country Representative of CECI Nepal for his long leadership and continuous dedication in CECI’s mission in Nepal. I am glad to have the opportunity to work in CECI Nepal from August, 2018 in the leadership role. I would like to thank all our development partners, government agencies, donors, project partners, civil society who are directly or indirectly associated with us to make our development efforts successful and I strongly believe that the same level of support will be extended in the days to come.

Sita Ram Bhatta
Country Director
CECI Nepal

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