Infolettre du CECI Népal - Juillet 2013 (en anglais)

Dear Friends,

Over the past 25 years, CECI has grown to be the most active Canadian international development organization working on economic and social development in Nepal. We have made significant progress in the areas of agriculture, community health, microfinance, and humanitarian assistance. Our Uniterra cooperation program, which mobilizes Canadians and Nepali professionals to enhance the capacity of Nepali organizations, has also contributed to many of our accomplishments.

One reason our development project and volunteers have been so successful is because promoting equity, inclusion and women’s economic empowerment is always top our priority. Starting from our internal policies in the office, to the way we approach our projects in the field, a gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) perspective is an integral part of what we do.

This newsletter is a chance for us to share some recent GESI achievements and to update you on our programs and projects. We invite you to read about the impact of Uniterra volunteers at Fair Trade Nepal, whose synergy has improved the overall workings of the organization and as a result, the trading conditions and rights of marginalized producers. Similarly, at a dairy farm in Makawanpur District, the efforts of Uniterra volunteers have helped to launch the first Dalit women-owned dairy cooperative. Uniterra has also supported professional training and internships for Dalit youth, creating longterm employment opportunities.

CECI is also among one of the leaders contributing to the dialogue on women in Nepal. We organized a forum to discuss women and youth empowerment, we’ve conducted gender training for all of our staff and hosted a workshop on climate change and gender perspectives. 

Our 30-month project, Sahaastitwa/Coexistence, has taken this discussion to the field, providing income generation opportunities for cultural producers, especially women, from disadvantaged ethnic groups across the country. GESI is also being addresses through the Program for Accountability in Nepal (PRAN). For the past three years, CECI has been managing grants which develop the capacity of civil society and government actors to promote social accountability. The grants giving to 50% women led organizations and traditionally excluded groups at the district and village levels a voice and improved access to services.

Among other updates, is our continuing management of Australian volunteers, the newly acquired Multi-Sector Forestry Program and the successful microfinance summit, organized by the Centre for Microfinance, an NGO we initiated.

We hope you enjoy our newsletter and join with us in supporting and advocating for GESI in Nepal. Enabling women and minority and marginalized ethnic groups to participate in their own development, we believe, is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty and exclusion.

Thank you for your continued support,

Keshava Koirala
Country Representative 
CECI Nepal

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