Infolettre de WUSC Mongolia, Octobre - Décembre 2017 (en anglais)

What a year 2017 has been! Thanks to your engaging collaboration, dear beneficiaries, partners, and donors, the second issue of the Uniterra Mongolia newsletter
showcases an eventful season of our joint achievements in not only fibre and residential subsectors, but also gender and youth inclusion! Happy New Year!

Jointly operated by WUSC (World University Service of Canada) and CECI (the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation) with the financial support of the Government of Canada, the Uniterra Program has been implemented in Mongolia since 2015.

Dedicated to improve employment opportunities for youth — more than 35% of total population — Uniterra relies on our volunteers’ expertise to strengthen the
capacities of our partners to meet the market needs.

Sunder Erdenekhuyag, Country Coordinator for Mongolia

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