Infolettre CECI NÉPAL Janvier - Avril 2017 (en anglais)

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the CECI Nepal’s Newsletter “REFLECT”!

I am delighted to share with you the latest edition of our newsletter which highlights the major activities that were carried out between January and April 2017. During this period, CECI launched two new projects: Livelihood Promotion of earthquake Affected People (PUNARNIRMAN) and Sustainable Use of Technology for Public Sector Accountability in Nepal (SUSASAN).

Both projects are being funded by the Government of Canada. Among other activities in this period, we convened our Annual General Meeting, conducted various trainings and workshops, welcomed new volunteers and bid farewell to those who had completed their mandates in Nepal.

Economic development, agriculture and livelihoods, disaster risk reduction (DRR), capacity building, governance, gender equality and social inclusion always remain the top priorities for CECI Nepal.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, including government agencies, donors and civil society organizations, without whose support, we would not be able to pursue our mission. I would also like to offer sincere thanks to the CECI Nepal staff and volunteers for their support in preparing this newsletter. Finally, I would like to thank Ms. Mallika Bhattarai, Communication Officer for her hard work in bringing out this newsletter.

I hope you will find this newsletter useful!

Keshava Koirala, Country Representative
CECI Nepal

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