Ivory Coast

Burkina Faso
Publié par : Susan Brown

Ivory Coast - Abidjan - Happy New Year

We spent the final days of our visit to Ivory Coast in Abidjan visiting the Park Banco, seeing the outdoor launderette and the sheep market, enjoying the amazing grocery store in the Cap Sud shopping centre, testing out the newly opened overpasses and bridge, eating dinner and celebrating the new year with fellow guests at the Detente Hotel (including watching the fireworks across Abidjan from the roof), driving around the Plateau business district with no traffic on new years day and enjoying lunch and the view of the Abidjan skyline (see photo) from the Sofitel Hotel. Ariel goes back to Montreal at 2 am (typical RAM scheduling) and Adrian and I return to Ouaga at noon tomorrow. SB_04

SB_05Ivory Coast - Assouinde Beach - Lagoon. A fresh water lagoon runs for many kilometres right behind the beach, we crossed the lagoon in a pirogue to visit the village and use the ATM.

SB_06Ivory Coast - Assouinde Beach - Fishing Village. The fishing village beside our hotel - we watched the boats heading in and out. Note telecommunications towers in the background.

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